DeepCortex is an open source platform for doing collaborative Data Management & AI/ML anywhere
Whether your data is trapped in silos or you’re generating data at the edge, DeepCortex gives you the flexibility to create AI and data engineering pipelines wherever your data is. And you can share your AI, Data, and Pipelines with anyone anywhere. With DeepCortex, you can achieve newfound agility to effortlessly move between compute environments, while all your data and your work replicates automatically to wherever you want.
Reduce Your AI Workload 120x
DeepCortex provides a large inventory of building blocks from which you can stitch together custom AI and Data Engineering pipelines. Rapidly assemble and test many different pipelines to create the AI you need. Turn your data into AI with near-zero effort and cost. Since DeepCortex is an open platform, newer cutting-edge AI building blocks that are emerging every day are put right at your fingertips.
A new era of collaborative AI
DeepCortex turns the Pipelines and AI models you create into re-executable building blocks that anyone on your team can hook into their own pipelines. DeepCortex automatically replicates any Pipeline or Model you produce across all your teammates so they can build on top of your work. Innovation builds on top of innovation.
It’s an “AI Operating System in a Box”

Think of DeepCortex as an AI Operating System that you can run anywhere. Within DeepCortex, you can perform the entire end-to-end AI Development Lifecycle – from Data Management to Data Cleansing to Model Building & AI Training to AI Deployment & Management – in one seamlessly integrated package. Whether you’re an AI Expert or a non-Expert, DeepCortex gets the laborious, costly, and time-consuming workload of AI out of the way so that you can leap ahead
DeepCortex has changed the game for us in Computer Vision. We need AI that can learn a lot from very little, and then find a rare needle in a huge stack of needles. We can now rapidly build and deploy such AI for each new needle we wish to find. DeepCortex has transformed the burden of AI into a scalable strength.
Dave Sabtini
DeepCortex gave us data processing at huge scale and the AI modeling rocket engine we needed. Our ability to rapidly turn messy bioinformatic data into predictive AI models overnight translates immediately into a deeper understanding of illness. We can combine genetic data with imagery data in new ways to build AI that uncovers each patient’s unique risks and optimal therapeutic path. DeepCortex has given us analytical muscle to make discoveries we could only imagine before.
Dr. Tshaka Cunningham CEO
DeepCortex ushers a quantum leap in Compliance Analytics. It’s not just that DeepCortex has dramatically shortened the typical Financial Services AI workflow from weeks to hours, helps solve previously unsolvable problems in the realm of Machine Learning fairness and bias.
Nick Schmidt or Bernie Siskin
DeepCortex gives you science superpowers
science noun
sci•ence | \ 'sī-ǝn(t)s
Definition of science
: the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding
data science noun
da•ta sci•ence | \ 'dā-tǝ 'sī-ǝn(t)s
Definition of data science
: it’s what makes science tough, really tough
The point-and-click data manipulation power of DeepCortex reduces the hardship of data science. Now you can focus more time on the science of making breakthroughs.
DeepCortex helps you find the breakthroughs hidden in your data. Fast.
DeepCortex streamlines your burden of wrangling data. With its continuously expanding portfolio of building blocks, DeepCortex makes it easier for you to clean, integrate, enrich, and harmonize your data. Do it all within your own infinitely scalable database environment without any of the hassle of managing your own database.
DeepCortex streamlines your burden of wrangling data. With its continuously expanding portfolio of building blocks, DeepCortex makes it easier for you to clean, integrate, enrich, and harmonize your data. Do it all within your own Data Lake without any of the hassle of managing your own database environment.
Computational Data Core that Automatically Scales and Adapts to You
Imagine never having to worry about how to keep your data organized, keep track of how, when, and where it was manipulated, keep track of where it came from, or keep track of all its meta-data. Now imagine being able to effortlessly and securely share your data and its lineage with your colleagues. Finally, imagine being able to do any Analytics or Machine Learning right where your data is. The DeepCortex Computational Data Core makes this all possible.
The Data Science Replication Engine
Every step you perform in the Analytics & AI Lifecycle results in a valuable asset – a snippet of code, or a data transformation pipeline, or a table of newly engineered data, or an album of images or a new algorithm. Imagine having the power to instantly use any asset anyone creates to build bigger and better AI models that constantly expand your power to generate breakthroughs. DeepCortex gives your team the frictionless ability to organize, track, share, and re-use all your Analytics & AI assets.
Every step you perform in the Analytics & AI Lifecycle results in a valuable asset – a snippet of code, or a data transformation pipeline, or a table of newly engineered data, or an album of images or a new algorithm. Imagine having the power to instantly use any asset anyone creates to build bigger and better AI models that constantly expand your power to generate breakthroughs. DeepCortex gives your team the frictionless ability to organize, track, share, and re-use all your Analytics & AI assets.
Streamlined Data Engineering and AI/ML Development
Form insights and make breakthroughs without the specialized Machine Learning skills or labor that building AI previously required. Since DeepCortex brings the continuously evolving stream of AI/ML innovations to your fingertips, you don’t have to worry about falling behind the vanguard of AI. Effortlessly integrate your AI models with your data blending and data engineering pipelines for a seamless end-to-end Analytical capability that you can deploy instantly. DeepCortex will optimally execute your Pipelines within its Automated Computational Data Core, so you can get results quickly, even on your own laptop. You’ll never again need to worry about assembling and tuning your own computing cluster or data management stack to get lightning fast results.
Push-button Model Deployment
You now have the power to deploy and run your Data Processing pipelines, Models, and AI anywhere – from infinitely scalable Cloud computing infrastructure to your own laptop to ultra-low power edge computing devices – with no additional programming or engineering effort required. We designed DeepCortex for deployment flexibility so you can build, train, share, and execute your AI anywhere you want.
Automated Model Governance & Compliance
DeepCortex allows Model Risk Management, Regulatory Constraints, and Documentation Policies that your models must abide by to be encoded into right into Pipeline and automatically reproduced every time a model is refreshed by DeepCortex. This includes Model Explainability, Model Fairness & Bias Analytics, Model Uncertainty, and Model Drift analytics – all of which are performed automatically.
We don’t think AI makes machines smarter. It exists to make you smarter.
The easier it is for you to make AI, the greater your ability to make breakthroughs. Whether you have unlimited compute resources in the cloud, or you are limited at the edge, your ability to make breakthroughs should be unencumbered. We are committed to giving you the breakthrough Data Management & AI/ML capabilities you need so you can create the breakthroughs you want – anywhere, anytime, and with anyone.
Syeed (Sid) Mansur
Chief Executive Officer & President

Syeed (Sid) Mansur
Asad Hasan, PhD
Senior Computational Scientist

Asad Hasan, PhD
Abheek Sambyal
Executive Vice President

Abheek Sambyal
Shah Yunus, PhD
Executive Vice President Advanced Computing Systems

Shah Yunus, PhD
Indrajit Sen Gupta
Director of Machine Learning

Indrajit Sen Gupta
Atiya Heena
Senior Machine Learning Engineer